
Your First 100 Mile Race

142 bytes added, 21:54, 12 October 2011
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* '''Remember you can rebuild'''. If things go badly, but you have time on the clock before the cut off, use that time to rebuild. A little food and rest can restore your body and spirits.
* '''Use a pacer'''. A pacer can help keep you moving and improve your morale. The two things I think are important in a pacer are the ability to cover the paced distance (obviously) and a sense of optimism. You can also use your pacers as mules, carrying extra gear, especially warm clothing.
** Note that not all races allow pacers while others such as the West Highland Way Ultra or HURT allow pacers but do not allow them to mule.
* '''Don't look down'''. Do not think about how far you've got to go. Focus on getting to the next aid station. Break down the race into segments and tackle each one in turn.
* '''Take 2 lights'''. If your only light fails, being alone in the woods in the dark is no fun. See [[Running in the Dark]]