no edit summary
==How to install the plugin==
* Install SportsTracks normally.
* Download the plugin and save it on your hard drive. The file should save automatically as a '.st3plugin' file, but some browsers get confused and try to save it as a '.zip'. If that happens, rename the file to '.st3plugin'. The plugin is available at http://fellrnr.com/Utilities/FellrnrDailyMilePlugin/FellrnrDailyMilePlugin_3.01.0.st3plugin
* Double click the .st3plugin file to install.
* Check the plugin is installed correctly
For support, email plugin <at> fellrnr <dot> com.
==Change History==
* 3.1.0
** Better support for Runkeeper
*** Write extra details to comment fields, one line per comment
*** Support posting GPS track
*** Support posting Heart Rate track
*** Post calories
** Use dialog box for runkeeper as well as dailymile
** Remove 'easy' option
** [http://runkeeper.com/user/sporttracksplugin/activity/143162460 Example Runkeeper workout]
* 3.0.0
** Plugin is now free