
Sleep Hacking

363 bytes added, Tuesday at 17:02
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* A short nap seems to help my sleep and recovery. This seems to be common with professional athletes who regularly nap. For me, the nap needs to be short (15-30 minutes) and early (11am-2pm).
* Protein before bed is a mixed bag for me. I think it improves my muscle recovery, but it interferes with my sleep. My heart rate in the first few hours is higher when I take protein before bed.
* [[Magnesium]] might help with sleep, and runners are even more likely to be deficient than sedentary people. I take 150% of the RDA as Magnesium Glycinate in a drink.
* Lavendar oil might improve sleep quality, and has been used for centuries. []
* After an ultradistance run, my sleep is messed up for that night. I accept that there's nothing I can do about that.
=Approximate Melanopic Ratio=