<form style="font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;" method="get" action="/wiki/VDOT_Results" name="VDOT">
<table stylelabel for="text-align: left;Distance" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Distance:</tdlabel> <td> <input select id="Distance" name="Distance" > <option value="0" type="radio">1500 Meters<br> <input name="Distance" option value="1" type="radio">Mile<br> <input name="Distance" option value="2" type="radio">3K<br> <input name="Distance" option value="3" type="radio">2 Miles<br> <input name="Distance" option value="4" typeselected="radioselected">5K<br> <input name="Distance" option value="5" type="radio">8K<br> <input name="Distance" option value="6" type="radio">5 Mile<br> <input name="Distance" option value="7" type="radio">10K<br> <input name="Distance" option value="8" type="radio">15K<br> <input name="Distance" option value="9" type="radio">10 Mile<br> <input name="Distance" option value="10" type="radio">20K<br> <input name="Distance" option value="11" type="radio">Half Marathon<br> <input name="Distance" option value="12" type="radio">25K<br> <input name="Distance" option value="13" type="radio">30K<br> <input name="Distance" option value="14" checked="checked" type="radio">Marathon<br> </tdselect> </tr> <tr> <td>Time</td> <td> <table style="text-align: left;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10"> <tbody> <tr> <td><input maxlength="3" size="3" name="Hours" value="0"> <br> </td> <td>Hours</td> <td> <input maxlengthlabel for="3" size="3" name="Minutes" value="0Time">Time:</td> <td>Minutes</tdlabel> <td> <input maxlengthid="3Time" sizetype="3time" namestep="Seconds" value="01"></td> <td>Seconds</td> </tr> </tbody> <br/table> </td> </tr> <trlabel> <td>Heat Index (optional)Body Weight</tdlabel> <td> <table style="text-align: left;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <input maxlength="3" size="3" name="TemperatureWeight" value=""></td> <td> <select name="TempUnitsWeightUnits"> <option>Fahrenheit</option> <option selected="selected">CentigradeKg</option> </selectoption> Pounds</tdoption> </trselect> </tbodylabel> Given body weight, we can estimate how weight changes will impact performance</tablelabel> <br/td> </tr> <tr> <tdlabel>Body WeightFat</td> <tdlabel> <table style="text-align: left;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <input maxlength="3" size="3" name="WeightBodyFat" value=""></td> <tdlabel> <select name="WeightUnits"> <option selected="selected">KgGiven body weight and body fat %, we can improve our estimate of performance changes</optionlabel> <option>Pounds <br/option> </select> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <tdlabel>Weight for Power Values (optional, Kg.)</tdlabel> <td> <table styleinput maxlength="text-align: left;5" bordersize="05" cellpaddingname="0PowerKg" cellspacingvalue="0"> <tbodylabel> Power Offset<tr/label> <td> <input maxlength="53" size="53" name="PowerKgPowerOffset" value="0"><br> </tdlabel> <td>Power Kg (To match Stryd, try 1.5Kg less than real weight to match Stryd)and 22w offset</label> <br/td> <label>Heat Index (optional)<td/label> <input maxlength="3" size="3" name="PowerOffsetTemperature" value="0"></tdlabel> <tdselect name="TempUnits">Power Offset (22w to match Stryd) </tdoption> Fahrenheit</troption> </tbodyoption selected="selected"> Centigrade</tableoption> </tdselect> <br/tr> <tr> <tdlabel>Max Weekly Distance(optional, miles/Km)</tdlabel> <td> <input maxlength="3" size="3" name="Mileage" value=""> Use miles unless 'Metric' is checked, in which case use Km.</td> <br/tr> <tr> <tdlabel>Show Unusual Distances (8K, etc.)</tdlabel> <td> <input name="Unusual" value="Unusual" type="checkbox">Show Unusual Distances (8K, etc.)</td> <br/tr> <tr> <tdlabel>Show Longer Distances (Beyond 50K)</tdlabel> <td> <input name="Longer" value="Longer" type="checkbox">Show Longer Distances (Beyond 50K)</tdlabel> <br/tr> <tr> <tdlabel>Show paces in min/Km rather than min/mile, plus over values in metric units.</tdlabel> <td> <input name="Metric" value="Metric" type="checkbox" checked="true">Show paces in min/Km rather than min/mile, plus over values in metric units. <br/td> </tr> </tbody> <br/table> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> <br>