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Created page with "[ Waitz's Run your first marathon]. This book is by the nine time winner of the New Y..."
[[File:Run-Your-First-Marathon.jpg|right|thumb|200px|[ Waitz's Run your first marathon].]]
This book is by the nine time winner of the New York City Marathon and the focus of the book is, as the name suggests, the first-time marathon. There is only a single plan, but because the plan is short, the buildup of distance is too quick, so there is a higher risk of injury. There is also relatively little advice on training plans. In some ways this is quite similar to [[Higdon]]'s Novice plan. (This article should be read in conjunction with my [[A Comparison of Marathon Training Plans| Comparison of Marathon Training Plans]].)
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* Key Characteristics
** A single plan focused on the novice marathoner.
** Initial Ramp (mileage increase/week from start to 16): Rather too steep at 1.0 as the plan is short.
** Other than the [[Long Run]], there are three weekly runs of 3-8 miles.
** Core Ramp (mileage increase/week from 16 to max): Way too steep at 2.0.
* Pros
** The initial buildup to the first 16 mile run is quite gradual and linear.
** The plan is only 16 weeks long, so if you don't have many weeks before the race this is a good option.
** The book includes a 'pre-plan' to get you running.
** While this plan does not provide as many [[Long Run]]s as would be ideal, it is probably a good compromise between effectiveness and time commitment.
* Cons
** Obviously this is limited to a first-time marathoner.
* Modifications
** This plan is fine for what it is.
* [[Overtraining]] risk
** The risk of [[Overtraining]] is probably low as the ramp up is slow and you only run 4 days/week.
* {{MarathonGoodFor}}:
** {{MarathonBeginner}}: 2. The dedicated nature of this plan makes this worth considering, but I feel you'd be better off elsewhere. The initial ramp up is slow, but the ramp up from the 13 mile [[Long Run]] is rather abrupt.
** {{MarathonNovice}}: 1. This plan is worth considering, but you'd be better off elsewhere.
** {{MarathonRinger}}: 0. This plan is for people running the first marathon with relatively little prior experience of racing.
** {{MarathonMaintenance}}: 0. This plan is for people running the first marathon.
** {{MarathonImprover}}: 0. This plan is for people running the first marathon.
** {{MarathonEnthusiast}}: 0. This plan is for people running the first marathon.
** {{MarathonElite}}: 0. This plan is for people running the first marathon.
** '''Limited Training Time''': 2. In terms of training time this is a middle-of-the-road plan.
** '''Traditionalist''': 4. This is generally a fairly traditional plan.
** '''Triathlete/Multisport''': 3. The rest days could be used for other sports, or the midweek runs could be converted.
** '''Prior [[Overtraining]]''': 0. This plan is for people running the first marathon.
** '''Sub 3:00''': 0. If you're a fast runner, look elsewhere.
** '''3:00-4:30''': 2. This plan is probably a reasonable approach for mid-pack runners.
** '''4:30-5:30''': 2. This plan would work, but I think [[Galloway]] is a far better bet.
** '''5:30+''': 0. Use [[Galloway]].
** '''Speedwork'''. There is no speed work in this plan.

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