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Is cycling or running better?

50 bytes added, 21:56, 16 April 2013
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* If you're limited to indoor exercise for some of the year due to climate, most people seem to prefer stationary cycling to a treadmill. A treadmill requires constant attention so you stay on the belt and forces you to run at a particular pace. These factors tend to make treadmill running unpleasant.
* Cycling with traffic poses much higher risk than running on a path. Even cycling away from traffic has a higher risk of trauma than running. These long term safety concerns should factor into your choice.
* Running requires less expense than a bike, and is easier to transport the required equipment. If you are traveling, it's easy to bring running [[Shoes|shoes]], but a bike may be impractical.
* Poor form can lead to a number of running injuries, especially with overly cushioned shoes and/or a poor [[Cadence]]. If you are significantly overweight, cycling may be a better choice than running until your weight reaches a reasonable level.
* Anyone who is badly out of shape should start walking, and [[Starting to run|build up to running gradually]]. Recumbent cycling can be a reasonable choice for people who who are badly out of shape. A recumbent bike in a gym is better for the seriously overweight as it reduces the stresses on the saddle area. Recumbent bikes are available for road use, but they tend to be pricy.
Other factors to consider
* Running is a higher intensity exercise than cycling for most people. The higher intensity tends to help with [[Weight Loss|weight loss ]] by improving the [[Muscle|muscle]]'s sensitivity to insulin. Though higher intensity tends to burn less fat during the exercise, the actual amount of fat burned is relatively small for many athletes and appetite tends to rise to compensate. The improved sensitivity to insulin appears to be the major source of weight loss from exercise.
* Running tends to be better for weight loss given an equivalent energy expenditure<ref name="Williams-2012"/>.
* Running uses more muscles than seated cycling, which leads to improved insulin sensitivity across those muscles.
* Because running is load bearing exercise, it tends to improve bone strength. However, this also means that running must be started carefully to prevent [[Overload|overload ]] and injury.
* Cycling tends to be easier on the digestive system than running. This is partly due to the lower intensity and partly due to the jogging motion involved in running.
* Running involves eccentric exercise, which is where the muscle resists being lengthened. Eccentric exercise builds up protection against future eccentric exercise, such as playing a team sport like soccer.

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