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Teeter Inversion Table

12 bytes added, 11:48, 12 April 2013
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It takes a while to get used to be inverted, as the blood rushes to the head. If you have high blood pressure, or other medical conditions, you should consult a physician. I find that I need to move to the inverted position slowly. I am expecting that my tolerance for being inverted will improve over time.
Being inverted helps my back significantly. I can massage [[Massage]] the back muscles when fully inverted much better than in any other position. I have no problems with nerve compression, just muscular spasms, so I can't comment on how it would help that problem. I like the inversion table and I think it is well worth the money. It complements my massage [[Massage]] chair (Panasonic EP3202) rather than replaces it. The massage [[Massage]] chair is also an order of magnitude more expensive!

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