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GOMAD Grazing

197 bytes added, 21:44, 17 October 2011
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* '''Constant protein supplies'''. To recover and rebuild, our bodies need a mixture of protein, fat and carbohydrate. Our muscle repair is a balance between breakdown and synthesis. When we are fasted, the balance is shifted to net breakdown. Exercise and carbohydrate intake can reduce the net breakdown, but to create a net synthesis requires a protein intake. Therefore providing a constant supply of protein optimizes our ability to recover.
* '''Fiber'''. Taking in large quantities of protein without fiber is likely to cause constipation. Fiber also slows up absorption and helps keep you feeling full for longer.
* '''Essential fats'''. The western diet is generally short on omega-[[Omega 3]], with an excess of omega-6. This tends to create inflammation and a number of health problems. The GOMAD mixture boosts the intake of omega-[[Omega 3 ]] via flax oil and flax meal.
* '''Saturated fat and fat soluble nutrients'''. Some saturated fat has been shown to boost testosterone levels, improving recovery and fitness. This saturated fat could be taken from full fat milk, but eggs provide many extra fat soluble nutrients as well as added protein.
* '''Tweaks'''. There are some ingredients that can help boost the value of the GOMAD mixture.
* '''Yoghurt'''. The vast multitude of bacteria in your digestive tract are vital to your survival. Live yoghurt provides a supply of these beneficial bacteria that improve digestion and health. Live yoghurt is particularly important if you have to take antibiotics which will kill of the good bacteria as collateral damage.
** '''Quantities'''. I don't measure the yoghurt, but simply add a dollop of plain fat free yoghurt to the mixture.
* '''Eggs'''. The saturated fat in eggs can boost the level of testosterone, which helps with muscle growth, fat burning and fitness. The eggs also provide fat soluble nutrients, protein and improve the taste and texture of the GOMAD mixture. I would recommend using eggs that are high in [[Omega 3]]; while the flax seeds have a lot of [[Omega 3]], the eggs will contain the longer chain [[Omega 3]] that is especially beneficial.
** '''Quantities'''. I normally take two eggs.
* '''Banana'''. The banana is mostly for flavor and some extra carbohydrate.

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