
Book Review - Fixing Your Feet

151 bytes added, 21:02, 14 February 2015
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This {{DISPLAYTITLE:Book Review – Fixing Your Feet}}[ Fixing Your Feet] is the ultimate guide to foot care for endurance athletes (and lesser mortals who abuse their feet).
This book is considered by many to be the foot care bible. It focuses on one subject and goes into great detail. Its advice is very practical, and covers both prevention and treatment of an array of foot problems. I have found the sections on [[Taping]] to prevent blisters to be especially useful.
 This book is not for everyone. If you are running 50 mile races or shorter and have no problems with your feet, then you can skip this book. If you have any foot problems, then this book is a good investment – way cheaper than a doctor’s doctor's visit, and cheaper than new [[Shoes]]. If you are racing 100 milers, then this book is valuable even if you don’t don't have any foot problems. It is not uncommon for people to encounter their first foot issues on a 100 mile race, even when they have covered the distance before.  
The author, John Vonhof, has a blog and I have found him willing to answer email questions as well.
==Also See==
* [[Blister Prevention]]
* [[Popping Blisters]]
* [[Toughening Feet]]
* [[Taping]]